GDP Per Capita, PPP $25,602 GDP $1.79 trillion Population 128,455,567 Area 1,964,375 SQ.KM Bordered by the Pacific Ocean on its West and the Gulf of Mexico to its East, Mexico is the third-largest country in Latin America and has the second-largest economy. The nation is one of ...
中国VS墨西哥🇲🇽历年人均GDP对比#中国 #墨西哥 #经济 #GDP #对比 墨西哥Mexico位于北美,面积197.2万平方公里,人口1.29亿,为主要发展中国家之一,2007年人均GDP破万!2020-2022人均GDP被我国超过,因中美贸易战等大量外资迁入,背靠北美市场2023经济增速领跑拉美地区! Troy陈统计 仅供参考 @Troy陈去旅行 💚国际经济/...
Mexico'sgross domestic product (GDP)in 2023 was $1.47 trillion whereas Spain's was $1.28 trillion. By that valuation, Mexico is richer than Spain.16 The Bottom Line The nation of Mexico's top five wealthiest individuals have made their fortunes in telecommunications, mining, retail, media, fo...
3.18% GDP growth in 2023 Mexico’s economy continues to impress. GDP growth is forecast to continue at 1.5-2% through to 2027.(2) The world’s 14th largest economy(3) And the second largest in Latin America after Brazil. 101 million Internet users Mexico is the 9th largest digital...
Mexico: Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in current prices from 1987 to 2029 (in U.S. dollars) ×Zoomable Statistic: Select the range in the chart you want to zoom in on. GDP per capita in U.S. dollars2,194.692,194.692,631.482,631.483,144.693,144.693,640.263,640.264,281.74,281....
Mexico also has FTAs with 23 countries – the 7th most of any country in the world – with access to over 60% of global GDP. This as well as increasing government investment in infrastructure and a growing middle class make it an attracti...
The impact of that one sector alone was considerable: If construction had grown at its historical rate of 1% per year, overall GDP growth would have been close to 2.4% instead of the 3.2% observed in 2023. What explains this is the large injection of public funds into the construction of...
“We are going to be lower in the percent of borrowing than (Enrique) Peña and (Felipe) Calderon,” the president said in September. Mexico’s debt currently is around 50% of its GDP. While that doesn’t sound high compared to the United Kingdom and United States, who...
We are a development bank with 20 shareholder countries - in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal- as well as 13 private banks
Mexico, located in the southern part of North America, has a population of 130 million as of 20231. In 2022, its per capita GDP was $11,496.5 (international exchange rate)2. According to the 10th edition of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes Atlas (2021), approximately 14...