Visit Taco Machin at 4228 Bonita Road, Bonita, CA 91902 for a Tijuana taco experience – vibrant flavors, succulent meats, fresh veggies, all in a warm tortilla. No frills, just fantastic food! Taco Machin Online – Your Virtual Taco Haven ...
Canyon Road:1470 First Ave. (between 76th & 77th St.) New York, NY. (212) 734-1600 Santa Fe-style dining room, featuring margaritas and authentic Tex-Mex Food. ———– Conmigo:1685 First Ave. (between 87th & 88th St.) (212) 256-0056 Mexican tapas bar serving authentic regional ...
We all have our food passions, but not many turn those passions into an invaluable resource for others. From a simple mission statement that he summarizes as, “I love tacos!” Kelly Peterson has set out to chronicle the restaurants and street vendors who serve up Salt Lake City’s finest ...
Wander New Mexico Food Tour - Downtown Plaza 'Sip & Savor' 236 Private and Luxury from $209.00 per adultTop rated Santa Fe Revisited 173 Cultural Tours from $80.00 per adult LIKELY TO SELL OUT* Santa Fe: Canyon Road Art & History Walking Tour 55 L...
(I wish I could remember them) We took photos with Patty the Camel and the food experience was great. The best surprise was how amazingly clean the bathrooms were. So appreciated! The trails were groomed nicely and Alina did a fantastic job explaining t...
JIM: The Barranca Grande canyon contains few paths into the narrow jungle gorge and so the valley remains nearly uninhabited. Class III and IV rapids twist through the deep shade of the 350m deep corridor and we leapfrog downstream, drifting along overhanging walls shaggy with ferns. A little ...
开心! 提到自驾游,肯 [2062天前] 转角小窝 发表了圣菲县资讯 别具一格的打卡点 因为之前就和闺蜜一起约好了要去圣达菲看看,所以这次一放假我们就去圣达菲了。 [2168天前] 不抓老鼠** 发表了圣菲县资讯 美国新墨西哥州首府—SANFE [2235天前] 吃喝玩乐** 发表了圣菲县资讯 圣达菲canyon road 的文艺范(...
墨西哥菜(Mexican Food) 亚利桑那州骄傲之地一小部分旗杆附近的景色: 世界上最大的黄松连片林, 从新墨西哥州边界向西北延伸至大峡谷. 来自Carol M的原始图像. 海史密斯’山姆(A view near Flagstaff of a tiny portion of a point of Arizona pride: the largest contiguous tract of ponderosa pine forest in...
[2152天前] 不抓老鼠** 发表了圣菲县资讯 美国新墨西哥州首府—SANFE [2219天前] 吃喝玩乐** 发表了圣菲县资讯 圣达菲canyon road 的文艺范(2019/1) [2246天前] 蘑菇张-** 发表了圣菲县资讯 #向往的生活 住在“神兽”的家里 [2374天前] 米粒儿薛 发表了圣菲县资讯 在峡谷来一次和朋友增温、放松心情之...
the food was good but the services was way below par/ We were the second party to be seated for dinner and the waiter was more interested in serving the 12 top table. It took 5-10 minutes between coarses to be served. the head waiter ( I...