Sorta like the Lucario VSTAR rainbow version that is coming out soon, and the Zekrom-GX full art version… Reply No NameNo Name (2 years ago) Cheapest it’s going for on eBay is $1500….
Pokemon Go Mewtwo Vstar Rainbow 079/078 Rarity: secret rare Distributed in: global Other Comments: crosshatched holo i think they've noticed that if you make the crosshatching part of the image, adding depth and motion to the pokemon with those lines, you -also- can just barf a rainbow ...
Dot Flash The Best Pokemon Cards Proxy Glory Pack Vmax Vstar GX Mega Ultra Rare Rainbow Arceus DIY Charizard Kids Shiny GiftUSD 7.09-16.44/pack 1996 1st Edition Pokemon Foil Flash Cards Charizard Blastoise Venusaur Mewtwo Game Collection PTCG Proxy CardsUSD 6.88-9.82/pack Product:Pokemon Card 60...