The charge-state distribution of 0.5-MeV He ions scattered from a SnTe(001) surface has been investigated using a new technique of high-resolution high-energy ion scattering spectroscopy. The ions scattered from successive atomic layers can be resolved in the energy spectra of the scattered ions...
成立时间:2013-07-12 公司类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 经营状态:开业 注册地址: 广州市白云区永平街白云大道北888号安华汇北塔B13楼1305-1306房(自主申报) 统一社会信用代码:91440101074622603J
为验证爱因斯坦质能方程△E=△mc2的正确性,设计了如下实验:用动能为E1=0.6 MeV的质子轰击静止的锂核Li,生成两个α粒子,测量两个α粒子的动能之和为E2=19.9 MeV。 (1)写出该核反应方程; (2)通过计算说明△E=△mc2正确。(已知质子、α粒子、锂核的质量分别为mp=1.007 3 u,mα=4. 001 5 u,mLi=7.016 ...
Angular and energy distributions of dissociated fragments resulting from glancing angle incidence of MeV Hions on clean (001) surfaces of SnTe single crystals in UHV are studied. The distributions are compared with those obtained for Hprojectiles of the same velocity. It is shown that the molecula...