ReactIR enables scientists to study reaction progression over time, providing highly specific information about initiation, endpoint, conversion, kinetics, mechanism, and pathway.
自动化化学 Mettler Toledo 梅特勒-托利多 FTIR光谱仪与原位反应监测ReactIR 702L参考市场价: 询价 型号:ReactIR 702L 品牌:Mettler Toledo 梅特勒-托利多【瑞士】>> 实验淘订货号:2363010010 厂商订货号:30456495 支持电话:400-004-9928 24小时热线:13818625759 供应商 供应商资质 零售参考价 批发参考价 质保 期望...
Image Credit:METTLER TOLEDO ReactIR is ready to run overnight! The ReactIR 702L system utilizes solid-state cooling technology to offer excellent performance, without the requirement for liquid nitrogen. By avoiding repetitive Dewar refills and dangerous setup, researchers can easily track chemistry ov...
Go to the Mettler Toledo website for more information Other Mettler Toledo products Automated Lab Reactors and In-Situ Analysis Raman spectrometer ReactRaman samplingcompact optical spectrometer ReactIR 702L samplingbenchtop optical spectrometer ReactIR 701L for biochemistrybenchtophigh-sensitivity optical...
Datasheets ReactIR 702L Datasheet ReactIR enables scientists to study reaction progression over time, providing specific information about initiation, endpoint, conversion, kinetics, m... ReactIR Sampling Technology ReactIR in-situ sampling technology assures usability in a wide range of batch and co...
1000 g/L 0.001 mg/L ... 1000 g/L mV分辨率 0.1/1 0.1 / 1 0.1 / 1 variable: 0.1 / 1 mV相对性 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 mV范围 -2000 至 2000 -2000 至 2000 -2000 至 2000 -2000 to 2000 pH分辨率 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 ...