Auckland Central weather forecast, two hourly data, maps, rain radar and current conditions. MetService is New Zealand’s national weather authority, providing accurate town, city and rural forecasts across the country.
Short Forecast Northland Isolated showers clearing from afternoon, otherwise fine. Auckland to Wellington, including Coromandel Peninsula, Bay of Plenty and the central high country Some early fog patches, otherwise fine. Gisborne, Hawke's Bay and Wairarapa Mostly cloudy. Scattered showers about Gisbo...
Video Forecast Short Forecast Extended Forecast Weather News Video Forecast See more video forecasts Short Forecast Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne and Hawke's Bay Mostly cloudy. Showers, turning to rain in Coromandel Peninsula and Gisborne this afternoon. Waikato, Waitomo...
Forecast data is specifically generated for Auckland Aero Automatic Weather Station (93110). Rainfall shown is for the sum up to the hour. Wind speed, wind direction and temperature are the observed or forecast values at the given hour. Commute Forecast Transit Cycling Walking Driving Tomorrow mo...
An example was the MetService response to the extreme weather events in early 2023 when the Auckland Anniversary storm and Cyclone Gabrielle tested the nation like never before. MetService not only surged its capacity within the Forecast Centre around the clock to deliver enhanced engagement, but als...
more access to data like wind maps, tides, lightning. The radar map is extremely low detail and doesn’t even provide a location. It would be great to provide minute-casts with weather like Auckland in the winter. Also the video plays through the ringer volume which is just bad ...
Weather radar images from Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne/Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Wellington, Canterbury and Southland, updated every 3 hours; Weather satellite images covering the eastern Australia-Tasman Sea-New Zealand region, updated every 3 hours. All observational data gathered in direct supp...
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Regional radar images can be found by going to the forecast page for your area and clicking on the rain radar image on the right hand side of the page. For example, then click on the 'Auckland rain radar' image which brings you ...
Well before this event, when meteorologists at MetService were asked “What would be the worst weather scenario to impact Aotearoa New Zealand?” A tropical cyclone on the track that Gabrielle took was what was described! One that hit a large number of regions including Auckland. The sheer numb...