Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Wikipedia. Related to Metropolitan Area Network: wide area networklocal area network local area network (LAN), a computer network dedicated to sharing data among several single-user workstations or personal computers, each of which ...
MAGMetropolitan Area Gateway MAGMaster of Applied Geography MAGMouvement pour les Assises de la Gauche(French: Mouvement for the Conference of the Left, Senegal) MAGMilitary Advisory/Assistance Group MAGMajor Accounts Group MAGMission Area Group ...
MANMetropolitan Area Network MANManagement MANMandarin(language) MANManitoba MANManeuver MANManifold MANMassive Assault Network(online war game) MANMilitary Analysis Network MANMaleic Anhydride MANManufacturers Association of Nigeria(est. 1971) MANModel Airplane News(magazine; Air Age Media) ...
Metropolitan Area Exchange Metropolitan Area Exchange Metropolitan Area Express Metropolitan Area Gateway Metropolitan area grid Metropolitan Area Interconnect Network Metropolitan Area Killifish Association Metropolitan Area Narcotics Squad Metropolitan area network ...
将“ metropolitan area "自动翻译成 中文 大都会地区 Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate 类似于 "metropolitan area" 的短语,可翻译成 中文 metropolitan area network 城域網 ·城域网·都會區網路 Taichung Metropolitan Area MRT System 台中捷運 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“...
The practice of carotid endarterectomy in a large metropolitan area. IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Port-Based Network Access Control Ieee Standard For Local And Metropolitan Area Networks - Port-Based Network Access Control ...
Our aim is to classify the earth's surface area into areas that belong to a FUA and those that do not. For this, we rely on three main sources of data: 1) global measures of urban centres and density; 2) global measures of travel time; and 3) existing FUA boundaries (see Annex A...
Area Metropolitan Tiongkok1-74059-782-6Beijing
Kansas City metropolitan area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kansas City metropolitan area. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from Kansas city. Kansas City" redirects here. For other uses, see Kansas City (disambiguation). Kansas City ...
Metropolitan Area Wireless Network Metropolitan areas Metropolitan areas Metropolitan Arts Commission Metropolitan Asian Deaf Association Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists Metropolitan Association of Contemplative Communities Metropolitan Association of Home Inspectors Metropolitan Association of...