MS3780 Fusion Fusion是一款价格适中的手持式多向多线与单线组合型激光条形码扫描仪。它的自动探测支座、以及可选的EAS电子防盗解除装备和扫描性能使商业零售场合的收银速度提高。Fusion将多向多线扫描模式和单线扫描模式同时融合到一款体积轻巧、符合人体工程学的手持式设计中。多向20线的扫描图案使Fusion比现有的单线手持...
Automatic Trigger: Use scanner as either a hand-held device or a fixed presentation scanner when mounted in the stand 650-Nanometer Laser: High-visibility laser allows user to place laser line on selected bar code CodeGate Technology (VoyagerCG 9540 Only): Zero in on desired code and complete...
Automatic Trigger: Use scanner as either a hand-held device or a fixed presentation scanner when mounted in the stand 650-Nanometer Laser: High-visibility laser allows user to place laser line on selected bar code CodeGate Technology (VoyagerCG 9540 Only): Zero in on desired code and complete...
Automatic Trigger: Use scanner as either a hand-held device or a fixed presentation scanner when mounted in the stand 650-Nanometer Laser: High-visibility laser allows user to place laser line on selected bar code CodeGate Technology (VoyagerCG 9540 Only): Zero in on desired code and complete...