首先,您需要从机场乘坐机场快线(Airport Express Line)到达新德里市中心的“新德里”地铁站(New Delhi Metro Station),然后换乘蓝线(Blue Line)前往达诺伊达(Noida)方向。在“GNIDA Office Metro Station”下车后,步行几分钟即可到达Townhouse Gn Stay。通过这种方式,您不仅可以节省费用,还能欣赏到沿途的城市风景,感受...
首先,从机场乘坐机场线(Airport Express Line)前往新德里地铁站(New Delhi Metro Station),然后在此换乘蓝线(Dwarka Sector 21 - Noida City Centre/Vaishali Line)。接着,在Dwarka Sector 21站换乘黄线(Huda City Centre Line),最终在Huda City Centre站下车,您只需步行约10分钟即可抵达古尔冈伊菲克乔克地铁站...
Public Transportation System in Bangkok Airport Rail Link (Bangkok) Bangkok Sky Train (BTS) Bangkok Metro (MRT) Turkey Istanbul Metro Adana Metro Ankara Metrosu Istanbul Metro Station near Grand Bazaar Bursaray (Bursa Metro) UAE Dubai Tram ...
Collection O Jps Grand Hotel Near Dwarka Metro Station 3等级(最高为5等级) B 2/314, Tara nagar , Sec 15, Near Vegas Mall, Dwarka,Delhi, 杜瓦尔卡, 新德里, 印度, 110075-查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于新德里杜瓦尔卡的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门...
3-7-24 A view of a metro station in Delhi as a metro train arrives and stops. At a bustling metro station in Delhi, the arrival of a metro train draws commuters to the platform. As the train slows to a stop, passengers prepare to embark,...
Southern Cross Station Australia case study Delhi Metro system case study Delhi Airport Metro Express case study Shin Bun Dang South Korea Metro case study Speak to an expert We use cookies to improve website performance, facilitate information sharing on social media and offer advertising tailored ...
How much does a taxi cost fromDwarka Sector 21 MetrotoIgi Airportin New Delhi, India The price estimate for this ride isRs. 87.16. From: igi airport To: dwarka sector 21 metro This estimate was last updated on 03 March 2023, almost 2 years ago. ...
These amenities make it different from the projects developing in this area. This project is currently under construction process. The hospitals, schools, residential complex are located at the proximity of this place. The place is also well connected with the airport and...
從機場出發,搭乘機場快線(Airport Express Line)到達新德里地鐵站,然後轉乘地鐵藍線(Blue Line)至卡羅爾巴格站(Karol Bagh Station)。這段旅程大約需要一小時,並且地鐵的運行頻率很高,讓您可以輕鬆掌握時間。抵達卡羅爾巴格站後,步行約10分鐘即可到達地鐵高地飯店,沿途您將欣賞到當地獨特的街景與氛圍,這將為您的旅程...
Thus, Prafull used the Rapid Metro of Gurgaon, a feeder link to the Delhi Metro Network, in order get closer to the Blue Line. He then walked and took a bus to Dwarka Sector 21. Dwarka Sector 21 was the station where Prafull had his longest wait for a train; around 15 ...