乘坐King County Metro Transit公车穿行在西雅图,透过车窗去欣赏这座城市的魅力吧!想要了解公车的更多资讯,欢迎前往Transit Information Center信息中心获取时刻表和线路图,也可以下载App查询公车的实时信息。Tip: 成人票价$2.75起;(Pic/visitseattle) û收藏 1 16 ñ6 评论 o p 同时转发到...
King County Metro will upgrade Route 160, which runs between Renton, Kent, and Auburn. RapidRide is one part of a larger, system-wide approach to improve transit access in south King County. Metro plans to begin RapidRide I Line service in 2026.
King County Metro earlier this year became the first transit agency in North America to install a high-powered charging station at a base facility where recharging is combined with cleaning and maintenance. Short-range buses at Metro’s Bellevue Base can now fully recharge in much less time, wh...
Metro is a global transit leader on sustainability and is moving toward a 100% zero-emission fleet. The hydrogen fuel cell bus pilot project has the potential to benefit riders, reduce local air pollution and help tackle global climate change. Michelle Allison,King County Metro General Manager, ...
“We’re excited to work with The Walsh Group to help King County Metro with this large deployment of zero-emission buses in the Pacific Northwest,” Mark Peckover, Stantec principal and project design manager. “The transition to ZEBs is the future of transit, a...
TheMetro King County transit sitehas all the facts abouthow to ride the bus, but there’s another rule that is applied by convention rather than by any formal codification: For some reason, and I see this only in Seattle, it is customary to sayThank youto the bus driver as you get of...
King County Metro (the “County”) contracts with Via to provide the Metro Flex service. The term “Metro Flex” refers to all services facilitated by the Metro Flex app or the Via call center as contracted by the County, including, but not limited to, transit and mobility services. ...
This thesis constitutes a geospatial analysis to support research funded by a federal grant awarded to King County Metro Transit. This thesis employs a proximity analysis of parcels based on King County Assessor data near an Ideal Transit Service Network, created by the researcher. Recommendations of...
The King County Metro team had an internal goal to stand out from other transit groups in the area, but also reflect the culture and values of King County. We wanted to avoid overused “green” design motifs, such as leaves, electric plugs, and swooshes which add unnecessary complexity and...
with a value proposition consisting of pure zero-emission buses (ZEBs). Solaris has just achieved a milestone step towards the execution of its strategy,signingits first contract for ZEB deliveries in the US with King County Metro, which provides transit service to the city of Seattle, WA and...