Des Moines metro area grows 13% in 1990s; Census figures: Waterloo area loses populationASSOCIATED PRESS
As I look around me, I can't help but get the feeling that America seems to be an angry place these days. We're angry that a shrinking portion of the population controls a growing portion of the money. We're angry that public schools are failing our children. We're angry that our...
At the top of our list of metros with the longest life expectancies is the Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk metro area in Connecticut, where the current life expectancy at birth is 83 years. Three metro areas in Florida, including Miami, and three metros in California made it to the top ten. Th...
Population by Age, Race, Gender. Homepage - Des Moines Metro Opera Raising Voices Rising Stars. Corporate and Public Partners. Words and Music at the Carnegie. For the past 45 years, the Des Moines Metro Opera has produced an annual festival that is among the ...