Was forced to follow their notification and set up voicemail which I don't want to use. This is unacceptable that they can and do create a notification that phone owner cannot remove.Am still on the phone with their customer service. Have been on hold for ten minutes as the service rep ...
high-speeddata usage, make payments, change plans or functions, and even reset their voicemail password. People would find little or no difference in the vast majority of times and locations. They may find slower data rates if there are a few periods or places where the network is congested....
In late 2018, T-Mobile's MetroPCS dropped the "PCS" to rebrand itself as "Metro," adding new unlimited plans to its roster. Just as old naming conventions die hard, some things about Metro remain just as they were, including the ability to check your call history online. Open your brow...
As a top Metro by T-Mobile Authorized Dealer, Giant Communications offers affordable cell phone plans and brand name LTE mobile handsets. No credit check is required to sign up and save.Take advantage of our Flat Rate and Unlimited Cell Phone Service Plans!
And your phone cannot block a call, it can only send it to voicemail. Once it leaves your carrier’s network it is too late to block it. And your post as absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread about SMS problems. If you have an issue not involving SMS then ...