{ "expo": { "scheme": "acme", "web": { "bundler": "metro" }, "name": "cafe-tucan", "slug": "cafe-tucan", "assetBundlePatterns": ["assets/*"] } } Already cleared the cache but didn't work. SameerAther commented Mar 6, 2023 i'd suggest changing to the following code ...
React app is not working in IE 11 browser I have seen a lot of similar questions here and I have tried all the ways but I have no idea why still not showing anything. npm install react-app-polyfill I added "ie 11" to production and ... ...
expo.web.bundler === 'metro'; if (isAnExpoProjectWithMetro) { console.log(` ${gray(`Expo project with metro bundler detected`)}\n`); return true; } else { console.log(` ${gray(`Metro bundler not detected. Assuming the project is using Webpack.`)}\n`); return false; } } ...