一般我们使用hpa需要部署metric-server,但是metric-server采集的数据是没有持久化的 一般我们会部署prometheus来采集pod,node等指标和metric-server采集的数据是重复的 所以可以部署一个prometheus-adaptor来替换metric-server 准备k8s集群(此处用kind) 准备cluster yaml 创建文件dev.yaml,内容如下 kind: Cluster apiVersion:...
2. 1 metric-server简介 Metrics Server is a cluster-wide aggregator of resource usage data. Resource metrics are used by components like kubectl top and the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to scale workloads. To autoscale based upon a custom metric, you need to use thePrometheusAdapter Metric-server是...
app: prometheus component: node-exporter template: metadata: labels: name: node-exporter spec: hostNetwork: true hostPID: true hostNetwork: true tolerations: - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master operator: "Exists" effect: NoSchedule containers: - image: prom/node-exporter:v0.16.0 name: prometh...
metric-server简介 Metrics Server is a cluster-wide aggregator of resource usage data. Resource metrics are used by components like kubectl top and the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to scale workloads. To autoscale based upon a custom metric, you need to use the Prometheus Adapter Metric-server是一个...
监控流程(蓝色部分):基于核心指标构建的监控流程,比如 Prometheus 可以从 Metrics Server 获取核心指标,从其他数据源(如 Node Exporter 等)获取非核心指标,再基于它们构建性能监控告警系统。 官网地址: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server
1.InfluxDB部署 influxdb.yaml 2.部署heapster-rbac heapster-rbac.yaml 3.部署heapster heapster.yaml 4.部署grafana grafana.yaml 说明: HeapSter从k8s的v1.11版本开始已经不能使用 k8s已经全面转向以Prometheus为核心的新监控体系架构 Metrics-Server的部署 ...
1. 注意事项prometheus、alertmanager默认使用utc时区,比cst慢了8小时,docker运行时使用 -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime 或者 ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime 的方式只能改变容器的时间,prom和alertmanager web界面中显示的时间是代码中定 ...
Hi, I'm happy that RabbitMQ got its own Prometheus exporter. 👍 also for prepared Grafana dashboard, it looks great. I was using deadtrickster prometheus rabbitmq exporter before. It allowed me to monitor network partition with its rabbit...
the grpc metricgrpc.io/server/server_latencyuses the labelgrpc_server_statuswhen recording data, but it does not actually define that label, resulting on the label actually not being exposed in the prometheus format. Looking at the code, the current behavior is either the expected one or this...
监控流程(蓝色部分):基于核心指标构建的监控流程,比如Prometheus可以从 Metrics Server 获取核心指标,从其他数据源(如 Node Exporter 等)获取非核心指标,再基于它们构建性能监控告警系统。 官网地址: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server ...