Metric / Standard Wrench Conversion Chart Bolt DiameterMetricStandard 1/8"8mm5/16" 3/16"10mm3/8" 1/4"11mm7/16" 5/16"13mm1/2" 3/8"14mm9/16" 7/16"16mm5/8" 1/2"19mm3/4" 9/16"21mm13/16" 22mm7/8" 5/8"24mm15/16" ...
See the Logged Messages in Section 5.1.3, "Specifying Scenario Profile Properties" or Section 14.4.2, "Setting Scenario Default Properties" for details about Standard and Extended log messages. 10.4 Viewing Runtime Graphs Oracle Load Testing performance graphs can be viewed using the Runtime Graphs...
Socket Head Installation & Design Tolerances Hole - Fastener MEchanical Tolerance Fits Chart Drill and Counterbore Sizes for Socket Head Drill and Counterbore Sizes for Socket Head Cap Screws per. ASME B18.3 Shaft to Shaft Axial Alignment Design Tolerances Tables Design for shaft-to-shaft alignme...