1. 首先登录华为设备的命令行界面,进入系统视图。 2. 进入OSPF进程配置界面,输入命令:ospf { process-id }。 3. 进入指定的OSPF区域配置界面,输入命令:area { area-id }。 4. 在区域配置界面下,输入命令:metric-type { type },其中type可以是1或2,分别代表Type 1和Type 2度量方式。 5. 最后保存配置并...
metric type:counter, gauge, histogram, summary, untyped. promql expr type:string, scalar, instant vector, range vector 本篇文章将介绍metric type每种类型的含义、如果使用其度量app的运行、如果暴露给prometheus server,以及在PromQL中使用的注意事项。 类型详解 使用Metric Type metric type在两个地方会体现其...
odataType public Odatatype odataType() Get the odataType property: specifies the type of the alert criteria. Overrides: MetricAlertSingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria.odataType() Returns: the odataType value.toJson public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) Overrides: ...
定义:是单调递增的计数器,重启时重置为0,其余时候只能增加。方法:type Counter interface { Metric Collector // 自增1 Inc() // 把给定值加入到计数器中. 若值小于 0 会 panic Add(float64)}常测量对象:请求的数量任务完成的数量函数调用次数错误发生次数...2.2 Gauge 定义:表示一个可增可减的数字...
/24 MetricType:1(Comparabledirectlytolinkstatemetric) MTID:0 Metric:20 ForwardAddress: ExternalRouteTag:0 R1#shiproute192.168.20.0 Routingentryfor192.168.20.0/24 Knownvia"ospf1",distance110,metric31,typeNSSAextern1 Lastupdatefrom10.143.31.234onEthernet0/2,00:01:27ago RoutingDescriptor...
criterionType public CriterionType criterionType() Get the criterionType property: Specifies the type of threshold criteria. Overrides: MetricCriteria.criterionType() Returns: the criterionType value.fromJson public static MetricCriteria fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) Reads an instance of MetricCriteria...
Calculate Metric Task Code Task Health Connect Task Update XM Directory Contacts Task Data Formula Task Create an XM Directory Sample Task Lookup Task Integration Tasks ETL Workflows TextFlow Workflows Based on XM Directory Segments Workflow Loops Sharing Workflows Workflows Run & Revision Histories Wo...
primaryAggregationType public abstract AggregationType primaryAggregationType() Get the primaryAggregationType value. Returns: the primaryAggregationType valueresourceId public abstract String resourceId() Get the resourceId value. Returns: the resourceId value...
public MetricStatisticType statistic() Get the statistic property: the metric statistic type. How the metrics from multiple instances are combined. Returns: the statistic value.threshold public double threshold() Get the threshold property: the threshold of the metric that triggers the scale action....
PUT /museums { "mappings": { "properties": { "location": { "type": "geo_point" } } } } POST /museums/_bulk?refresh {"index":{"_id":1}} {"location": "52.374081,4.912350", "city": "Amsterdam", "name": "NEMO Science Museum"} {"index":{"_id":2}} {"location": "52.36921...