中非共和国2020的中非共和国 CF: CO2 Emissions: Metric Tons per Capita是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 0.04420200.04520190.02520130.0662001公吨年1990 - 2020 中非共和国 CF: CO2 Emissions: Metric Tons per Capita的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 ...
1990年-2019年:摩尔多瓦(Moldova)人均二氧化碳排放量(吨/人)趋势(CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)) 数据来源:世界银行 数据更新日期:2022年9月16日
Description:The map below shows how CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) varies by country. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. The darker the shade, the higher the value. The country with the highest value in the world is Qatar, with a value of 32.4...
Since #, fishing catches have increased fivefold from # to # million metric tons a year ' den bu yana, senede avlanan balık sayısı # kat artarak # milyondan # milyona tona çıktı opensubtitles2 Carbon- dioxide emission, metric ton per capita. Karbon diyoksit sal...
1990年-2019年:古巴(Cuba) VS 德国(Germany) 人均二氧化碳排放量(吨/人)趋势对比(CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)) 数据来…
Each year, the world uses approximately 750,000metric tonsof CFC's. Britain in the same year emitted 2.938metric tonspercapita from the same resources; the United States 5.005. Oaky Creek produces about 3. 5 millionmetric tonsof high-quality coking coal a year. ...
中非共和国2020的中非共和国 Methane Emissions: Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent per Capita是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 1.89220201.83120191.83120193.1301998公吨年1990 - 2020 中非共和国 Methane Emissions: Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent per Ca...
Britain in the same year emitted 2.938metric tons percapita from the same resources; the United States 5.005. Oaky Creek produces about 3. 5 millionmetric tons of high-quality coking coal a year. We need about 200metric tons. Commercial facilities within the state manage 733, 515metric tons ...
Approximately 250,000 metric tons of mercury have been produced there in the past 2,000 years. Geçtiğimiz 2.000 yılda yaklaşık 250.000 metrik ton cıva üretildi. WikiMatrix Carbon-dioxide emission, metric ton per capita. Karbon diyoksit salınımı, kişi ba...
China's grain warehouses are capable of providing about 700 million metric tons of storage capacity, an official said on Thursday, generally on par with the country's annual grain output. Cong Liang, vice-chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, the top economic planner, said...