This work proposes a similar approach of measuring software using various UML diagrams and applied Software size metric to evaluate the size of the Software. This paper discusses the proposed approach using two different case studies and their source codes. This paper discusses the different results ...
discriminative ability (Hosmer et al.,2013). In the following, we further evaluate the discriminative ability of our metric as a binary classifier for the classesup-to-dateandoutdatedusing the common performance measures accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-measure (the harmonic mean of precision a...
() File "/home/xxx/anaconda3/envs/correction/lib/python3.7/site-packages/transformers/", line 2044, in evaluate self.log(output.metrics) File "/home/xxx/anaconda3/envs/correction/lib/python3.7/site-packages/transformers/", line 1709, in log self.control = self.callback...
(3.80). The non-trivial integral we need to evaluate takes the form Iσ(γ) = ∞ 0 dt t2 ϑ′1(γ, τσ) ϑ1(γ, τσ) , (3.93) where τσ = τσ(t) is given in eq. (B.2). Here we present the results, which are obtained using the generalized Mellin transform ...
generator.on_epoch_end() keras/utils/ self.sequence.on_epoch_end() If you call .on_epoch_end() without specifying logs= on EarlyStopping then you will always get an error. But that should be something about NoneType not having a .get() method. ...
While numerous previous st udies reported promising results in automatic ICD classification, they often des cribe input data specific model architectures, that are heterogeneously evaluate d with different performance metrics and ICD code subsets. This study aims to ex plore the evaluation and ...
The metric determines GHG emissions (−) or sinks (+) in water for outdoor use and is presented in Table A2 in Appendix A, where it can be used to evaluate the three case scenarios (MFCS, S2, and PRP S3). The use of 100% non-potable water sources combined with water demand ...
The proposed metric can be utilized by water agencies to evaluate and enhance the resilience of WDNs, as well as to optimize the recovery process after disruptive events. Keywords: resilience; water distribution networks; critical infrastructure; multi-attribute metric 1. Introduction Water distribution...
Thus, the goal of objective IQA is to automatically evaluate the quality of images as near to human perception as possible [2]. Based on the availability of a reference image, objective IQA metrics can be classified into full reference (FR), reduced reference (RR), and no reference (NR) ...
(i.e., one-, two-, three- and best-variable systems) of biomass equations with three constraints and overcome the heteroscedasticity problem; (3) use the jackknife technique to validate the performance of the biomass models; (4) evaluate the different methods of quantifying tree-level biomass;...