Metric Conversion, Unit Conversion is an online calculator for units of weight, length, temperature, volume and area.
money, dollars, euros...Temperature celsius to fahrenheit Distance meter to foot, mile to kilometer...Time hours to minutes, days to years... Length / Height centimeter to inch, feet, meter...Volume cubic/cubed units,liters in a gallon ...
fundamental quantities are length (meter) and mass (kilogram) and time (second) and electric current (ampere) and temperature (kelvin) and amount of matter (mole) and luminous intensity (candela); "Today the United States is the only country in the world not totally committed to the Systeme...
A chart that includes all the fundamental units and their conversion, is the metric conversion chart. These fundamental metric units are mostly based on length, volume, time, weight, temperature and area. The basic metric units are meters (m), kilograms (kg), seconds (s), kelvin (K), amp...
Metric conversion chart is provided here for important measurements, such as length, area, volume, time, temperature and weight, with their respective units. Learn how to convert metric units with the help of a chart here.
Since the absolute zero lies at -273.15 °C, this is also the temperature offset between the scales: T [°C] = T [K] + 273.15 Type of conversion Metric length Length in ångströms Length in picometers Length in nanometers Length in micrometers Length in millimeters Length in...
Metric Conversion calculators, tables and formulas for temperature, length, area, volume and weight metric conversions.
33: kgf • mJ 34: Jkgf • m 35: lbf/in2kPa 36: kPalbf/in2 37: °F°C 38: °C°F 39: Jcal 40: calJ Conversion formula data is based on the "NIST Special Publication 811 (2008)". Note The Jcal command performs conversion for values at a temperature of 15°C.Terms...
Convert anything to anything! Length, distance, weight, speed, velocity, mass, temperature, volume, pressure, force
Kilograms to Tons converter Kilograms to Milligrams converter Grams to Milligrams converter Grams to Kilograms converter Pounds to Kilograms converter Length conversion Temperature conversion Electric conversion Power conversionWrite how to improve this page Submit Feedback ...