该数据集包含 MetOp-C 上的高级散射计 (ASCAT) 以 25 千米采样分辨率(注:有效分辨率为 50 千米)进行的近实时 2 级海洋表面风矢量检索。它是欧洲气象卫星应用组织(EUMETSAT)海洋和海冰卫星应用设施(OSI SAF)通过荷兰皇家气象研究所(KNMI)提供的产品。风矢量检索目前使用 CMOD7.n 地球物理模型功能进行处理,使用汉...
欧洲气象卫星METO..自吹+下一代极轨卫星(METOP-SG)的研制After the recent launches of new generations of polar-orbiting satellites by
Managed by Arianespace, the launch of MetOp-C will be the 19th mission of the Soyuz rocket from the Europeanlaunch padnearKourou, French Guiana. In the Arianespace nomenclature, the flight received the designation VS-19. Plans to launch the MetOp-C satellite on the Soyuz were first announced...
Track METOP-C now! 10-day predictions NORAD ID: 43689 Int'l Code: 2018-087A Perigee: 826.1 km Apogee: 828.8 km Inclination: 98.7 ° Period: 101.3 minutes Semi major axis: 7198 km RCS: Unknown Launch date: November 7, 2018 Source: European Organisation for the Exploitation of ...
Metop is the space segment of the EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS), which provides real-time data to several European meteorological services as well as to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other international agencies. The third Metop satellite, Metop-C, was launched on ...
【环球网综合报道】据法国《费加罗报》11月7日报道,法国阿丽亚娜航天公司(Arianespace)当日发表声明称,于当地时间6日晚在法属圭那亚,通过“联盟”号运载火箭成功发射了一颗欧洲极轨气象卫星(Metop-C)。 Metop-C的发射重量达4吨以上,预计运行寿命为5年,搭载了包括法国红外大气探测干涉仪(IASI)在内的9台仪器。法国国...
(神秘的地球uux.cn报道)俄罗斯卫星通讯社巴黎11月7日电,载有MetOp-C气象卫星的俄罗斯“联盟-ST”运载火箭从法属圭亚那库鲁航天中心成功发射。火箭约在北京时间8时47分发射。 MetOp-C是欧洲卫星气象组织(EUMETSAT)的第三颗卫星。MetOp系列卫星用于预测12小时到10天的天气。该系列的第一颗MetOp-А和第二颗MetOp-B卫...
The first of the ASCAT scatterometers was launched on the EUMETSAT MetOp-A platform in October 2006 and became fully operational in May 2007. Two follow-up missions, MetOp-B and MetOp-C, were launched in September 2012 and November 2018, respectively. The three satellites, MetOp-A, -B, an...