SISTEM INFORMASI TUGAS AKHIR & PRAKTEK KERJA LAPANGAN BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE UNIFIED PROCESS Final project and job training are the compulsory subject that is organized by Informatics Department Diponegoro University. All registration process, recapitulation and administration about those subjects ...
Then the proposed corrective actions that need to be implemented by PT. X is setting the operator's work schedule to avoid fatigue problems that cause a decrease in operator accuracy, establishing standard work SOPs, routine training to improve operator skills and knowledge regardi...
These algorithms need to be tested to get the most accuracy in identifying patterns of data. In this study conducted testing of 6 training algorithms that included in the improved of batch mode algorithms, i.e. traingda, traingdx, trainrp, trainbfg, trainoss, and trainlm. Based on the ...
Therefore, there is a need for a solution and quickly actions so that Bank Nagari can improve customer satisfaction and provide excellent service to the communities. This study was conducted at Bank Nagari branch Bung Hatta University, Padang. Data is collected using questionnaire. The questionnaires...
Therefore, there is a need to improve the handling of online crimes. This is in line with the Kapolri Priority Program, which is to make the Indonesian National Police (Polri) human resources excel in the era of Police 4.0. This study was conducted to identify the types of ...