This method can provide results that are doubt when influenced by external variables. External variables are the threats for internal and external validity. The ways to do this method are through factorial experiment and classical experiment.Oleh: Isnawijayani Abstract...
PENERAPAN METODE PROBLEM BASED LEARNING DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PKn UNTUK MEMBANGUN BUDAYA DEMOKRASI SISWA (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di SMA NEGERI 97 JAKARTA Kelas X)The results obtained by the author are: (1) Planning syllabus and lesson plans that teachers should ...
MEMAHAMI STRATEGI DAN MENGATASI TANTANGAN DALAM PENELITIAN METODE KUANTITATIFdoi:10.46799/syntax-idea.v6i6.3748Research using quantitative methods is becoming increasingly important in modern science. However, organizing research with this approach is not easy. This article aims...