Nombre químico 1,3-butadieno, 2-metil-, homopolímero, de configuración cis-1,4, ciclado CAS No.68441-13-4 Sinónimos1,3-butadieno, 2-metil-, homopolímero, de configuración cis-1,4, ciclado; 2-METIL-1,3-BUTADIENO, HOMOPOLÍMERO, DE CONFIGURACIÓN CIS-1,4, CICLIZADO; cis...
For the methylpiperidnes, the isomeric 2-methyl, 3-methyl and 4-methyl 2-azabutadienyl cations are found to function as SDFI. These fragment ions are expected to be formed from all members within the class, to be stable and to retain the structural information of the precursor molecule, ...