Methylene blue, an organic compound with deep medicinal roots, has been used for over a century to treat conditions like malaria, urinary tract infections, and methemoglobinemia. Today, its therapeutic applications extend to neurological conditions, depression, and even anti-aging....
1. Methylene blue has no catalytic effect on the oxygen consumption of those normal adult tissues which do not possess aerobic glycolysis. The dye increases the oxygen consumption of these tissues when their respiration has been inhibited by the addition of KCN and their fermentative power thus bro...
Introduction: The use of methylene blue, an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase, has been described in patients with septic shock who are unresponsive to inotropic agents. However, the effects of methylene blue on the human cerebral circulation are not known. Methods and Results: This article presents ...
Methylene blue (MB) has been used clinically for about a century to treat numerous ailments. We show that MB and other diaminophenothiazines extend the life span of human IMR90 fibroblasts in tissue culture by>20 population doubling (PDLs). MB delays senescence at nM levels in IMR90 by enhan...
clay; methylene blue; nanocomposites; amorphous; crystallization1. Introduction Dyes are colored fragrant organic compounds that absorb light and give color to the visible region [1]. Dyes are also applied to give a permanent color to the substrates, and due to these features, they are widely ...
Methylene blue (MB) is a promising photosensitizer (PS) for photodynamic therapy (PDT) of glial tumors. MB not only functions as a PS under light exposure, but also targets dysfunctional mitochondria of cells, as shown in Figure 1. MB is a highly lipophilic compound that can effectively ...
Methylene blue increases oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in primary astrocytes.Gourav Roy ChoudhuryAli WintersRyan M. RichMyoungGwi RyouZygmunt GryczynskiFang YuanShaoHua YangRan Liu
Effects of Topical Methylene Blue on the cGMP Level, Blood Flow, and Oxygen Consumption in Focal Cerebral IschemiaAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00000542-199409001-00817ChiO. ZWeiH. MWeiss
Methylene blue (MB), an antioxidant, has emerged as a potential drug for the treatment of AD owing to its cognitive improvement and neuroprotective functions. Despite the small molecular size of MB, which can cross the BBB, the therapeutic effective dosage using a BBB-permeable delivery system ...
Ovarian cancer remains a significant challenge, especially in platinum-resistant cases where treatment options are limited. In this study, we investigated the potential of methylene blue (MB) as a metabolic therapy and complementary treatment approach for ovarian cancer. Our findings demonstrated a signi...