Comparison of Different Methods Used to Assess Body Composition in College Aged Athletes: 3352 Board #40 June 1 8:00 AM - 9:30 AMdoi:10.1249/01.mss.0000563245.90831.59Parker NallyHeath PierceJared HallColin ShawPaul VisichMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise...
Estimating Body Composition in Adolescent Sprint Athletes: Comparison of Different Methods in a 3 Years Longitudinal Design A recommended field method to assess body composition in adolescent sprint athletes is currently lacking. Existing methods developed for non-athletic adolescents were not longitudinally...
Body fat percentage varies depending on factors such as age, gender, and level of fitness.Obesityand health problems, includingheart disease,diabetes, andhigh blood pressure, may result from having more body fat. The body mass index (BMI) is the most basic and widely used method for calculatin...
Instead, weight and length are used to assess growth but are known to be poor predictors of adiposity shortly after birth. Although body composition methods, such as magnetic resonance imaging, stable﹊sotope dilution, and dual〆nergy x‐ray absorptiometry, have been examined in infants, they ...
In addition, this study allows an in-depth investigation of the validity of the different methods that were used to assess stress levels in children.Background The last decades have been characterized by a global growing obesity epidemic, starting already in childhood [1, 2]. World-wide at ...
A sequence of in vitro assays followed by in vivo testing in validated animal models to assess the activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pharmacology and toxicity is generally used for advancing compounds in a preclinical stage.6 A plethora of different assay systems and conditions are used to...
The short physical performance battery (SPPB) [72] was used to assess physical function among older adults. It comprises three tests: balance, 4-m gait speed, and a chair stand test to assess leg strength. A score between 0 and 4 is assigned for each test, and the three tests are weig...
ATR -FTIR combined with chemometrics for qualitative analysis, because it is not possible to assess the quality and yield of the high and low, when dealing with samples can be measured in its morphological characteristics data, using factor analysis in statistics can be used to provide a ...
The additional two were inverse models used to assess the polymer and reservoir properties that can provide the necessary production profiles. They deduced from their model that the production profile is greatly affected by the injection rate and that an in situ polymer gel with a crosslinker can ...
In the last years, quantitative ultrasound (QUS) methods have been developed to assess bone mineral status in some peripheral skeletal sites such as calcaneus, phalanges of the hand, and tibia. QUS techniques are safe, easy to use, radiation-free, and devices are portable, so that they are ...