"One twin was hooked up to a polygraph machine while the other one was being subjected to experiments in another room. It was found that when the twin in the room was dunked in ice cold water and when he was scared with a rubber snake, the effects showed on the other twin. There wer...
They reported that obedience to the Bible, worship, and support for the church influenced their decisions to give. This research found value in three types of education as influencers in millennial giving. Formal, post-secondary education; parental education through instruction and modeling; and ...
Quince is happy about the emerging strain-level analysis options and says that “it has practically made single-cell sequencing redundant.” His software tool CONCOCT takes a pile of short reads, assembles them into fragments and can assign the fragments to the organism from which the genetic in...
The details show that what had begun with the innocence of a simple prayer and Bible study group had grown into an organization with leadership that controlled courtship, marriage and other family arrangements, as well as careers and finances. The story of the Mother of God community ...