This study presents a methodology for a high-throughput digitization and quantification process of plant cell walls characterization, including the automated development of two-dimensional finite element models. Custom algorithms based on machine learnin
Senescence is a complex developmental process that is regulated by a multitude of environmental, genetic, and physiological factors. Optimizing the timing and dynamics of this process has the potential to significantly impact crop adaptation to future cl
Plant Image Analysis– a collection of software Wheat Physiological Breeding II: A Field Guide to Wheat Phenotyping. (CIMMYT publication) (Large pdf file). Various Plant Biology Protocols (links on this site) Measuring the greenhouse environment ...
Transcriptome studies provide a useful perspective on the molecular biology of medicinal plants, including molecular mechanisms of gene function, cellular response, and different biological processes [22,23,24,25,26]. In the current study, we combined next-generation sequencing (NGS) and single-molecu...
(cgom). By validating these sensors against visual scoring, the state of the art in plant breeding, we could show a strong correlation regarding several parameters (Figs.6and7). We propose a robust method to extract key parameters of the senescence phase in a high throughput manner. Further...
Fig. 2: Performance of genome binners on short-read assemblies (GSA and MA, MEGAHIT) of the marine, strain-madness, and plant-associated data. a, Boxplots of average completeness, purity, ARI, percentage of binned bp and fraction of genomes recovered with moderate or higher quality (>50%...
Although organellar genomes (including chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes) are smaller than nuclear genomes in size and gene number, organellar genomes are very important for the investigation of plant evolution and molecular ecology mechanisms. Few s
Results and discussion Lepidium sativumplants were challenged with four different types of abiotic stress. After stress and a recovery period (see Figs. 4.1 in additional file4) plant material was processed (see Fig. 4.2 in additional file4) and the antioxidative status was fingerprinted. Changes...
Genetic markers are crucial for breeding crops with desired agronomic traits, and their development can be expedited using next-generation sequencing (NGS) and bioinformatics tools. Numerous tools have been developed to design molecular markers, enhancin
Computer vision technology is moving more and more towards a three-dimensional approach, and plant phenotyping is following this trend. However, despite its potential, the complexity of the analysis of 3D representations has been the main bottleneck hind