Clear observational evidence for such fields is however difficult to find, and no unambiguous detection has yet been achieved. Over the past few years, a number of methods have been suggested with which an exoplanetary magnetic field could be detected remotely. Some of these methods could even ...
J.T. Wright and B.S. Gaudi, "Exoplanet Detection Methods", http://arxiv. org/abs/1210.2471. (Last Accessed 11 June 2013)Wright, J. T. & Gaudi, B. S. 2013, Exoplanet Detection Methods, ed. T. D. Oswalt, L. M. French, & P. Kalas (Springer), 489...
Meunier, N.; Lagrange, A.M.; De Bondt, K. Comparison of different exoplanet mass detection limit methods using a sample of main-sequence intermediate-type stars. Astron. Astrophys. 2012, 545, A87, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201219163. [CrossRef]...
47.Although not the first exoplanet discovery, a planet near a sun-like star was discovered by astronomers in 1995. This kicked off an er a of exoplanet hunting, with thousands of discoveries and confirmations fol-lowing in its wake.48.However, in 2015 NASA's Kepler space telescope found ...
Exoplanet research is carried out at the limits of the capabilities of current telescopes and instruments. The studied signals are weak and often embedded in complex systematics from instrumental, telluric, and astrophysical sources. Combining repeated o
The goal of novelty detection approaches is to identify patterns in data that have not been previously observed (Markou and Singh2003a,b; Chandola et al.2009; Pimentel et al.2014). The exact definition of “novelty” varies depending on the application domain and the type of data, but in ...
A SMALLER RADIUS FOR THE TRANSITING EXOPLANET WASP-10b* We present the photometry of WASP-10 during a transit of its short-period Jovian planet. We employed the novel point-spread function shaping capabilities o... JA Johnson,JN Winn,NE Cabrera,... - 《Astrophysical Journal Letters》 被引量...
This includes the integrative analysis of genomic and proteomic data for exome annotation in the form of gene discovery and gene model refinement (Proteomics Aiding Genome Annotation); protein level detection of single amino acid variants (SAAVs)1 , insertions, deletions, alternative splice junctions...
P. Fast Bayesian inference for exoplanet discovery in radial velocity data. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 448, 3206–3214 (2015). ADS Google Scholar Lavie, B. et al. HELIOS-RETRIEVAL: an open-source, nested sampling atmospheric retrieval code; application to the HR 8799 exoplanets and ...
In the delicate balance between human agricultural needs and the ecological well-being of our planet, the efficient treatment and sustainable reuse of agricultural wastewater emerge as crucial challenge. As global water scarcity intensifies and environmental concerns loom larger, the imperative to develop...