Methods For Energy Transition to Achieve Zero emissions in Gas Processing FacilitiesAldossary, Hamad EssaPM World Journal
9. Toward Excellence of Transition Metal-Based Catalysts for CO2Electrochemical Reduction: An Overview of Strategies and Rationales Mengran Li, Sahil Garg, Xiaoxia Chang, Lei Ge*, Liye Li, Muxina Konarova, Thomas E. Rufford*, Victor Rudolph...
Graphene energy transfer (GET) can be used to measure the distance between a graphene surface and a fluorescent dye. A new strategy for attaching DNA in a controlled orientation onto graphene now makes it possible to use GET to track the dynamics of DNA and protein–DNA interactions with base...
B. Data-Dependent Transition Kernels方法根据数据类型的特点设计diffusion process 中的transition kernels,使扩散模型可以直接应用于特定的数据类型。D3PM为离散型数据设计了transition kernel,可以设为lazy random-walk,absorbing state等。GEODIFF为3D分子图数据设计了平移-旋转不变的图神经网络,并且证明了具有不变性的初...
Challenges, Solutions, and Methods for the Energy Transition in the Existing Housing StockEdited by Thaleia Konstantinou - Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands Henk Visscher - Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands Annarita Ferrante - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna...
Standard methods to assess the durability of vitrified radioactive waste were first developed in the 1980’s and, over the last 40 years, have evolved to yield a range of responses depending on experimental conditions and glass composition. Mechanistic understanding of glass dissolution has progressed...
The conformational free energy landscape of a system is a fundamental thermodynamic quantity of importance particularly in the study of soft matter and bio
The advancement of renewable energy (RE) represents a pivotal strategy in mitigating climate change and advancing energy transition efforts. A current of r
Nanofluidics has a wide range of applications, such as nanopore sensing and membrane technologies for sieving and energy harvesting, leading to growth of the field. In this Primer, an overview of nanofluidic methods is provided, from the fabrication of the first nanopores to advanced functionalities...
The environmental problems related to coal, oil, and natural gas exploitation for power generation motivate policymakers to modify the energy mix to increase the portion of the energy produced from clean sources. The transition to an environmentally-friendly power system also relies on a forecasting ...