The development of genomic and post-genomic technologies has created an explosion in the quantity, diversity and availability of both biological data and methods of analysis. Biologists are currently facing the problem of using all these resources to convert raw data into new valuable knowledge. This...
SQL databaseHaving the most current data in your Balanced Scorecard or dashboard is of paramount importance. Automating data retrieval is one of the easiest ways to automate and upgrade from the labor-intensive method of manually entering data is to import text files containing data into Excel. ...
incorporating historical context while considering other direct and indirect variables for a clear view of how to proceed. Data integration is a key driver of this benefit. By pulling together data from across an organization as well as applicable external datasets, like publicly available data from...
多模态数据整合(multimodal data integration)的困难:不同空间组学技术之间存在的技术特异性和空间分辨率的差异使得数据整合成为一个重大挑战,尤其是在需要将不同模态的数据对齐到统一的坐标系(common coordinate system)中时。 缺乏通用的数据框架(u...
Using semantic workflows to disseminate best practices and accelerate discoveries in multi-omic data analysis The goal of our work is to enable omics analysis to be easily contextualized and interpreted for development of clinical decision aids and integration with... Y Gil,S Mcweeney,CE Mason -...
By effective and efficient integration of PacBio HiFi, Oxford Nanopore Technologies ultra-long and other sequencing data types, hifiasm (UL) enables telomere-to-telomere diploid and polyploid genome assembly at a population scale. Haoyu Cheng , Mobin Asri & Heng Li Research Briefing | 09 May ...
Single-cell atlases often include samples that span locations, laboratories and conditions, leading to complex, nested batch effects in data. Thus, joint analysis of atlas datasets requires reliable data integration. To guide integration method choice, w
Data Deduplication Explained In the data deduplication process, a tool scans storage volumes for duplicate data and removes flagged instances. To find duplicates, the system compares unique identifiers, or hashes, attached to each piece of data. If a match is found, only one copy of the data ...
WInte.r can be used out-of-the-box to integrate data from multiple data sources. The framework can also be used as foundation for implementing more advanced, use case-specific integration methods. In the following we provide an example use case from each category. ...
Spatial transcriptomics (ST) measures mRNA expression across thousands of spots from a tissue slice while recording the two-dimensional (2D) coordinates of each spot. We introduce probabilistic alignment of ST experiments (PASTE), a method to align and integrate ST data from multiple adjacent tissue...