同时,在写methodology的时候,我们需要清楚地知道要回答某个特定的research question,需要用到什么类型的数据。这一点内容在introduction部分或者在proposal部分就需要列出了。比如,我们要研究的是job satisfaction的内容,那么我们需要知道哪些人群可以提供相应数据,以及哪种类型的数据可以帮助我们回答research question。通过这一...
The sample was heterogeneous with respect to __The sample size in this study was not considered large enough for__We cannot deny the presence of some sample selection biases because __The sample of respondents included __The researchers pooled samples to __The sample strategy was the same as...
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This article describes a procedure, based on ASTM standards D7214 and E2412, that has been defined to improve quantification of oil oxidation in used engine oils. Taking into account typical problems that can be found in this type of sample, including thermal oxidation and fuel dilution, Fourier...
(2006). Proposal for a Unified Methodology for Evaluating Supervised and Non-supervised Classification Algorithms. In: Martínez-Trinidad, J.F., Carrasco Ochoa, J.A., Kittler, J. (eds) Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications. CIARP 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science...
In both cases, a lot of useful information remains hidden or is not considered by the evaluation method, such as the quality of the supervision sample or the structural change generated by the classification algorithm on the sample. This paper proposes a unified methodology to evaluate ...
Sophie Materials&Methods 4 4.1IntroductiontoMethodologySection 4.1.2Whyexplainhowyouobtainedyourresults?Themethodaffectstheresults.Therearedifferentmethodsthatwecanuse.Themethodsisconsistentwithacceptedpracticeinthefieldof study.Theresearchmethodsmustbeappropriatetotheobjectivesofthe study.Themethodologyshouldalso...
我记得自己写RP包括后期写PhD proposal的时候,最痛苦的一块内容就是methodology。研究方法总体来说是很抽象的但又是非常重要的。一篇博士论文能够深入开展课题讨论,证明hypothesis一定要用可行的研究方法做支撑,对于大部分PhDcandidate都是一件容易脱发的任务,而对于即将申请博士的同学,这部分也很难理解。今天给大家总结一...
Depending on the transmitting ψ angle, the direction φ of the sample about its surface normal and lattice plane in which the measurement is conducted, as specified by miller indices {hkl}, the respective Bragg angle is detected and corresponds to inter-planar spacing dφψ. The deviation to...