• Have the duty of preparing the annual budget of the college for presentation to the appropriate governing body for approval and implementation • Be responsible for ensuring that the financial statements of the college are drawn up in accordance with the law establishing the colleges, the sta...
The former looks at the liturgy in retrospect whereas the latter dwells on the changes culminating different beliefs as a result of the different movements in the Christendom in Ghana. To satisfy the varied congregational taste in this modern world, it is important that the shift in the musical...
Sixty Years of Autonomous Ghanaian Methodism (1961-2021): The Methodist Church Ghana and the Inculturation of ChristianityIsaac Boaheng
METHODIST ChurchThe Coronavirus-19 (Covid-19) pandemic took the whole world by surprise and caused unanticipated changes in people's life. The effect of this global pandemic on the religious, economic, political and social lives of people has been enormous. In Ghana (the ...
The Historical Developments of Musical Styles and their Functions in the Liturgy of the Methodist Church Ghanadoi:10.38159/ejomur.2024411Brewu, John KofiKquofi, SteveAdom, DicksonAmuah, Joshua AlfredAsante, Eric AppauAmankwa, John Opuni
African J of Accounting Auditing & FinanceAgyei-Mensah, B. K. (2016). Accountability and internal control in religious organisations: a study of Methodist church Ghana. African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 5(2), 95-112.
GhanaChristianityColonialismChoral MusicBefore local language hymns were first published in what is now Ghana by German Presbyterian missionaries in 1860 there was already a thriving Christian choralTerpenning, Steven Tyler SpinnerSpinner, StevenSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Africanizing Church Music: A Case Study of Women in a Methodist Congregation in Akwapim States of GhanaSince the beginning of the missionary experience in West Africa, Christianity and African culture have had a contentious relationship. In the nascent Gold CoastFuller, Regina...