首先,CLASS定义这一块,定义一个CLASS叫C1,然后做一个方法,MAKEDATA是方法的名字,CHANGING是起到将内表INOUT传入又传出的作用,INOUT是内表的名字,类型是ZDDD(有的人可能会很懵,为什么内表的类型会是ZDDD,这是个什么玩意儿,内表不应该TABLE OF什么什么或者LIKE什么什么吗,在这边先知道INOUT是个内表就行,part3...
In the example code forhttps://github.com/SAP-samples/abap-platform-rap640/blob/main/exercises/ex1/README.md#step-5-create-a-wrapper-factory-classthe constructor method is defined in the private section instead of the public section. The constructor documentation states the following: In a glob...
CALL METHOD/abcxx/xxxxxxxxxx=>fill_bseg_xref1 IFlv_actflg='X'.CALLMETHOD/abcxx/xxxxxxxxxx=>fill_bseg_xref1 EXPORTING im_xref1=i_febep-xref1 CHANGING ch_ftpost=t_ftpost.ENDIF. 2022年4月7日10:10:33 Pattern -> ABAP Objects Patterns -> √ -> Class/Interface + Method -> √...
You have correctly noted that they isn't any possibility to add separator via ADD_FUNCTION, I noted that earlier SALV OM Undocumented Limitations - Separator in the Toolbar - ABAP Help Blog The idea of having them in the one common place was for: Reusability - Don't want to have the sa...
SAP ABAP 12(中日版)METHOD的写法、数据的传输种类、テーブルデータ型的创建方法se11 简述:方法METHOD的写法有这四种,IMPORTING、EXPORTING、 CHANGING、RETURNING拥有相似的功能,但是大同小异。IMPORTING和EXPORTING的例子在11章中有介绍过,比较简单。这章重点介绍一下CHANGING和RETURNING,还有テーブルデータ型的用法...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Thanks for the response. However, I don't know how to call a FM as well. I am looking for some syntax or pseudo code. Sorry, if it is a basic question. Thanks. Reply former_member376453 Contributor In response to former_member376453 2009 Jul...
The rules engine may include information about critical database tables and critical SAP standard functions, and the step of applying the rules engine to the execution model may include the calculation of specific business risks or whether a technical defect has a business-relevant impact. In ...
With this setting you will not even know that there are more fields in the import structure. The next screen shot shows the same section code inactive (compare it with the screen shot above) You do not see what values the constants have and you can't see the ABAP coding for the Move-...
The cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload abap method is used to upload a file into SAP. This is supposed to be the recomended way of uploading files into SAP but to be honest it just executes thegui_upload function moduleso using this should be the same as using the upload FM. Having...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I am trying to display data using ALV factory method .It worked fine for me in my system. Moved the report to quality ,it worked fine .But after some time it is not displaying data for one user ...