select method of range class failed 摘要: 1.介绍选定的方法 2.阐述方法的优点 3.分析方法失败的原因 4.总结及改进措施 正文: 在众多的范围类方法中,我们选定了一种方法来进行操作。这种方法具有很多优点,例如操作简便、效果明显等。然而,在实际操作过程中,这种方法却出现了失败。接下来,我们将分析方法失败的...
Selection.Offset(27 * (ifile - 1), 0).Select ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial format:="Picture (JPEG)", Link:=False, _ DisplayAsIcon:=False The problem is that intermittently I get an error: Paste Special Method of Range Class Failed. It fails on the last line. If I re-run the code ...
("Sheet1").Range("A2:C49").Select ' Gives error 1004 Select method of Range Class failed Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp Next Rownum ' Do next day(s) End Sub Sub Dailyroutine() Call Setup 'Run once only Call FindReplaceall 'Run once only Call Calculations End Sub I'd appreciate...
MicrosoftNewbie121 The code tries to delete the header row of the table on Updated. To avoid that, change the line Set idCol2 = WSheet2.Range("B2:B" & lastRow2) to Set idCol2 = WSheet2.Range("B3:B" & lastRow2) Reply MicrosoftNewbie121 Brass Contributor to ...
Range("C5").Copy Sheets("Results").Activate LR = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Count Range(Cells(LR + 1, 1)).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False Next End Sub @Arun_Manoharan I think you want LR = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp...
Range(pos).Value = "Grade"index = index + 1 End If If isCountry = True Then pos = alpha(index) + CStr(2)Sheets("Result").Activate Range(pos).Value = "Country"index = index + 1 End If For i = 0 To 3 If arrayResult(i) <> "" Then pos2 = alpha(index) + CStr...
Set ex = CreateObject("Excel.Application")With ex .Workbooks.Open Trim(文件路径).Sheets("Sheet1").select .Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A11").value = "00".ActiveWorkbook.Save .Quit End With 我是这样用的。看你的代码只有打开文件操作完后没有关闭文件 ...
using System; public class ConversionToDateTime { public static void Main() { string dateString = null; // Convert a null string. ConvertToDateTime(dateString); // Convert an empty string. dateString = String.Empty; ConvertToDateTime(dateString); // Convert a non-date string. dateString = "...
using System; public class ConversionToDateTime { public static void Main() { string dateString = null; // Convert a null string. ConvertToDateTime(dateString); // Convert an empty string. dateString = String.Empty; ConvertToDateTime(dateString); // Convert a non-date string. dateString = "...
using System; public class ConversionToDateTime { public static void Main() { string dateString = null; // Convert a null string. ConvertToDateTime(dateString); // Convert an empty string. dateString = String.Empty; ConvertToDateTime(dateString); // Convert a non-date string. dateString = "...