1,Method Not Allowed (GET) 请求方法不被允许, 错误原因:我调用的是index这个方法,但是我上面定义了一个空的子路由,所以页面加载不了,控制台出现Method Not Allowed (GET),我把上面的空路径添加后就正常了 2,错误原因二: 上面定义的是类方法,类方法里没有POST方法,所以找不到对应的方法而报错。 然后我运用...
When I test the form and click "login", I get this: {"code":"MethodNotAllowedError","message":"POST is not allowed"} *** // index.php <?php $name = $_POST["name"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $result = loginUser($name,...
RESTful API中的异常Exception处理有两个基本要求,需要明确业务意义的错误消息以及hhtp状态码。良好的错误消息能够让API客户端纠正问题。在本文中,我们将讨论并实现Spring的REST API异常处理。 Restful API错误/异常设计 在RESTful API中设计异常处理时,最好在响应中设置HTTP状态代码,这样可以表示客户端的请求为什么会...
"Mailbox name not allowed. The server response was: sorry, your mail was administratively denied. (#5.7.1)" "No Proxy-Authorization Header" is present in the POST method "Object moved to here." problem "StatusCode: UnsupportedMediaType, Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8, Content...
Duplicate elements are allowed. If the Array contains more than one element equal to value, the method returns the index of only one of the occurrences, and not necessarily the first one. null can always be compared with any other reference type; therefore, comparisons with null do not genera...
GetIndexInfo (string? catalog, string? schema, string? table, bool unique, bool approximate); Parameters catalog String a catalog name; must match the catalog name as it is stored in this database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be ...
But I am getting errors : Exception : Method Not Allowed The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL /new_index. Please Guide me. Thanks in advance. Contributor polyfractalcommentedDec 31, 2015 I think this must be a security/authorization problem on the server. Are you using Shiel...
下面是我们整理的php的laravel学习的常见的错误以及解决的办法,我还会持续更新,请关注错误1:错误代码: Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception...\MethodNotAllowedHttpException 错误原因:方法里边的参数写错了,文件引入错误!...
| */ Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) { return $request->user(); }); Route::get('/index', 'HomeController@index'); Route::post('/submit', 'HomeController@submit'); 控制器代码 <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\...
NoResizeAllowed NoSpaceRaiseLower NoTabHangIndent NotTrueType NoWrap Nsid NumberFormatValues Numbering NumberingChange NumberingFormat NumberingId NumberingIdMacAtCleanup NumberingInstance NumberingLevelReference NumberingPictureBullet NumberingProperties NumberingRestart NumberingStart NumberingStyleLink NumberingSymbolRu...