由最开始的demo可知channel是我们自定义的名称为“samples.flutter.io/battery”的channel,所以会执行else中的代码块,这里的delegate_是指继承了Engine::Delegate类的Shell对象, ../engine/shell/common/shell.cc // |shell::Engine::Delegate| void Shell::OnEngineHandlePlatformMessage( fml::RefPtr<blink::Platfo...
一. Method Channel: 在做部分定制功能的需求,我们总避免不了要与原生平台做交互 iOS 平台 : dart -> oc / swift Android 平台: dart -> java/kotlin 那么Flutter 为我们提供了比较便捷的 Method Channel 方式来与原生代码进行交互,具体不赘述,看官方文档: 撰写双端平台代码(插件编写实现) - Flutter ...
I have two flutter module lets say module A and B. I have included module B into module A. In module B's flutter screen added a button and calling a method startSDK which is handled in module B native android code in FlutterActivity. By using method channel I am able to communicate ...
1、import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterActivity; 2、onCreate方法中flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger现在无法获取到了,需要修改为getFlutterEngine().getDartExecutor().getBinaryMessenger() 3、configureFlutterEngine方法中必须调用父类的方法,即:super.configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine); 如果你的代码...
//1、创建通信组册//组册原生组建//let factory = MyPlatformViewFactory(messenger: registrar.messenger())//registrar.register(factory, withId: "FlutterIosPay/custom_platform_view")//2、组册通信Flutter2OCBridge.register(with:registrar);} .h...
Steps to reproduce Set Up flutter notification Set action for this notification Set trigger action notification in background, call method channel inside this trigger in background. Create a class FlutterFlugin and create method(close_ap...
用于传递方法调用(method invocation)的是Method Channel。
Flutter Doctor Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v): [√] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.17.3,onMicrosoft Windows [Version10.0.17763.1879], locale en-US) [!] Android toolchain - developforAndroid devices (Android SDK version30.0.1) ! Some Android licenses ...
Steps to reproduce Using FlutterView on Android will cause crashes Expected results FlutterView is used normally Actual results crash [ERROR:flutter/fml/platform/android/jni_util.cc(206)] java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke...