SR in anaerobic bioreactors treating organic wastes has long been regarded as an unwanted side process due to the loss of electron donor and inhibition of the methanogenic process by sulfide (Colleran et al. 1995; Oude Elferink et al. 1994). Currently, biological SR is an established biotechnolo...
METHANE as fuelANAEROBIC digestionSUSPENDED solidsMETHANEMAGNETITECHARGE exchangeAnaerobic digestion is a promising technology for treating and disposing of oily sludge, but the presence of oil in the sludge reduces methane production and sludge volume reduction. To overcome this limitation, this stu...
Anaerobic oxidation of methane: Mechanisms, bioenergetics, and the ecology of associated microorganisms. Caldwell, Sara L.,Laidler, James R.,Brewer, Elizabeth A.,Eberly, Jed O.,Sandborgh, Sean C.,Colwell, Frederick S. Environmental Sciences . 2008...
The purpose of this research was to maximize the production of methane (CH4) and aminolevulinic acid (ALA) as a value-added co-product from anaerobic digestion by utilizing different experimental conditions such as substrate composition, substrate pH, and inhibitor concentration. Methane is in increas...
The procedure of anaerobic digestion is a complex method that includes different stages, such as hydrolysis of complex molecules to its monomers, which is followed by acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. Each stage is catalyzed by various consortia of microorganisms. Products of specific ...
The anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is often thought of as a sulfate-dependent process, despite the fact that other electron acceptors are more energetically favorable. Here, we show that microorganisms from marine methane-seep sediment in the Eel River Basin in California are capable of ...
Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy to electrical energy using microorganisms. They can run on most organic material, including wastewater, acetate and brewing waste. Methane, however, causes some problems for microbial fuel cells because, while there are bacteria that consume methane, they li...
Methane monooxygenase (MMO) enables aerobic methanotrophs to utilize methane as a sole carbon and energy source, in contrast to industrial microorganisms that grow on carbon sources, such as sugar cane, which directly compete with the food market. However, naturally occurring methanotrophs have proven...
It is estimated that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) lowers net global emissions of methane (CH4) by 10–60%1, significantly mitigating the potential impact of this potent greenhouse gas on the global climate. Although certain microorganisms are known to carry out AOM alone, such asCandidatu...
(374 °C and 388 °C) and showed morphology with fibers partially disorganized. The methane yield was 4.2% higher as the time increased of the HPT. And the material became more vulnerable to attack by methanogenic microorganisms, resulting in greater energy production, with a potential ofE. ...