Metformin is a drug frequently used for diabetes treatment during pregnancy but its effects are not well understood. Butalia and colleagues reviewed existing clinical trials and found some positive effects, and no negative effects, of metformin use durin
Here, we discuss the updated understanding of the antigluconeogenic action of metformin in the liver and the implications of the discoveries of metformin targets for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and cancer. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access...
Alzheimer’s disease is not only the most common cause of dementia, but it has also been referred to as “Type III diabetes”, due to the belief that poor regulation of insulin in the brain is a major risk factor for the neurological condition. Naeblys/Shutterstock In examining the relation...
many of them contain lots of sugar. For moderate workouts of less than an hour, plain water should replenish your fluids. For more intense workouts, a sports drink may be appropriate, but people with diabetes should check with their doctor to see which sports drinks is best for them so...
Metformin, a dimethyl biguanide initially derived from Galega of icinalis, has emerged as a leading oral treatment for type 2 diabetes. Despite early setbacks, it gained widespread recognition and became the most prescribed glucose-lowering medication globally. In addition to its antidiabetic ...
future. You can put off diabetes by losing weight but it will eventually come back, sooner if you eat refined carbohydrates in large quantities and do not exercise. If your doctor thinks you need metformin, it will be prescribed to you. It won’t be prescribed solely for you to lose ...
Metformin is a widely used drug in the therapy of patients affected by diabetes mellitus. Although some caution is needed in the very old, advanced age per se does not represent a contraindication to metformin use. Despite the fact that its precise mechanism of action it is not completely eluc...
Metformin has been the mainstay of therapy for diabetes mellitus for many years; however, the mechanistic aspects of metformin action remained ill-defined. Recent advances revealed that this drug, in addition to its glucose-lowering action, might be promising for specifically targeting metabolic differ...
Diabetes and Metformin: a Research and Clinical Update Arnold Bloom, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 1986 Oral diabetes treatments and cardiovascular disease Oxford Academic Books, 2018 Preventing Diabetes: The Diabetes Prevention Program Michael E. Hochman, Oxford Academic Books, 2021 Preventing Diabetes...
Metformin for patients with diabetes and concomitant renal restrictions—is there an evidence base?Despite its array of benefits that comparatively outweigh alternative oral anti-glycaemic agents, the ability of clinicians to prescribe metformin is restricted. There are numerous contra-indications and ...