Physical geography will be a breeze once you master this list of terms related to Earth's physical features. You'll review climate and weather, landforms and bodies of water, biomes and ecosystems, and the geological structure of the Earth — and that's just the tip of the iceberg! Weath...
1.Matchthefollowingtermswiththeirdefinitions.___meteorology___weather___climate___airmass___airmassmodification A.thecurrentstateoftheatmosphereB.thestudyofatmosphericphenomenaC.theaverageweatheroveralongperiodoftimeD.theexchangeofheatormoisturewiththesurfaceoverwhichanairmasstravelsE.alargebodyofairthattakes...
Summary This chapter contains sections titled: Definitions of Concepts and Terms Engineering Background Survey of Currently Available Methods for Classifying Dispersion Coefficients for a Variety of Surface Types Survey of Experiments Showing Effects of Surface Roughness Obstacles on Dispersion...
The majority of the rainfall has come from Myanmar’s southwest monsoon (MSwM), which is Myanmar’s rainy season (summer in global terms, June–September). This study explained both threshold-based and nonthreshold-based objective definitions of the onset and withdrawal of large-scale MSwM. ...
In this section we define the boundary layer and its structure. In later sections, we introduce the key influencers of both and other relevant meteorological terms. Webster’s Dictionary defines boundary as “something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent” and layer as “one thickness, ...
No meteorological measurement instruments that are not verified, that are disqualified, or whose terms of validity have expired may be used. The competent meteorological department under the State Council and the competent meteorological departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly...
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited. Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Kim, Y...
while lake-wide observations are two-dimensional and therefore spatial variations in terms of timing of ice-on/off may be detected. The earliest date of open water/ice detected would be defined as the beginning of the breakup/freeze-up process (i.e., a portion of the lake may still have...
Since the period over which match-ups are considered is desirably small, and we revise the model by re-evaluating it frequently, we do not account for time variation explicitly in the model. In terms of count density (𝑛,𝜇,𝜎n,μ,σ or sses_count), median SST bias (μμ or ...
The literature includes a wide variety of definitions or perceptions of non-stationarity. Non-stationarity can be expressed in terms of turbulence statisti