A VERY GOOD PERSEID METEOR SHOWER: Forecasters are predicting the best Perseid meteor shower in years this weekend. On Saturday night, Aug. 12-13, Earth will pass through a stream of debris from Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, causing dozens of meteors per hour to streak out of the constellation ...
John Chumack, Dayton, Ohio USADec. 14, 2010 #1, more 13 of the Brightest Geminid Meteors from 2010 PC 164C video camera & 6mm lens, From my Northeast sky camera #2 Chris Voyles, Phoenix AZDec. 14, 2010 #1 Canon 40D 20sec exposure ISO-100 w/10-22mm @ 3.5 more images: from ...
Let’s join John Chumack via his Northeast Sky Camera #2 in his backyard Observatory in Dayton, Ohio, USA, for a look. This 5 hour movie was compressed to 10 seconds for web viewing. Says John, “The brightest one occurred when the radiant was low on the horizon around 1:27 a.m. ...
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