Meteor 60 seconds! is a simple, fun, comic-like action game that simulates your life if there were a meteor heading towards Earth and you had 60 seconds to live…
job-collection must poll for this operation because it is time that is changing, not the contents of the database, so there are no database updates to listen for. jc.promote(15*1000); // Default: 15 seconds Note: if you are running multiple Meteor instances that share access to a ...
Imaging meteors is also pretty straight forward. Simply tripod mount a DSLR with a wide field lens, take some test exposures of the sky to get the ISO, f-stop and exposure combination just right, and begin taking exposures 30 seconds to five minutes long. An intervalometer can automate the ...
To do this, you go through 13 main missions, each with its own objective ranging from object retrieval (usually some color-coded keycards), to search and rescue, to enemy elimination. Although a pretty standard shoot-everything-in-sight kind of game, Meteor features some puzzle and strategic...
A brilliant Perseid meteor streaks along the Summer Milky Way as seen from Cinder Hills Overlook at Sunset Crater National Monumen at 2:40 a.m. (9:40 UT) August 12. It left a glowing ion trail that lasted about 30 seconds. The camera caught a twisting smoke trail that drifted southward...
performing all of the calculations on the CPU, all on the GPU, all on the NPU, and a combination of all three. Performing them all on the NPU took 20.7 seconds and 10 total watts, the most efficient use. But performing them all on the GPUandNPU finished the task in 11.3...
job-collection is extremely flexible in where the work can get done; from workers that only run on a single Meteor server to hundreds of node.js workers running on a cluster or in the cloud. Work can also be done on other Meteor servers (different from the one hosting the Job collection...
Meteor showers are excellent opportunities to take wide-field, long-exposure images of the sky. Mount your camera on a tripod and take a series of exposures a few tens of seconds long. Or use a simple equatorial tracking mount to avoid star trails. See NASA's tips for photographing a met...
Normally, you will just hear a hiss of noise when you're tuned in to an "empty" radio frequency, but as meteors zip in through the atmosphere, a distant, silent station will abruptly "boom in" for anywhere from a fraction of a second to perhaps several seconds. You might also hear wh...
Host your own Rocket.Chat server in four seconds flat: Easiest way to install a ready-to-run Rocket.Chat server on a Linux machine, VM, or VPS -@j8r's DPlatform, now in Alpha! IndieHosters Get your Rocket.Chat instance hosted in a "as a Service" style. You register and we manage...