必应词典为您提供metaphysicalpoets的释义,n. (17 世纪英国的)玄学派诗人;
网络玄学诗人;玄学诗派;玄想诗人 权威英汉双解 网络释义 metaphysical-poets n. 1. (17 世纪英国的)玄学派诗人a group of 17th century English poets who explored the nature of the world and human life, and who used images that were surprising at that time ...
metaphysical poets 释义 (17世纪英国的)玄学派诗人 实用场景例句 全部 The modern poets have gone back to the fanciful poems of themetaphysical poetsof the seventeenth century for many of their images. 现代派诗人就其许多想象又回到了十七世纪极抽象派诗人的意象诗中....
metaphysical poets玄学派诗人是17世纪英国文学史上以哲学深度与艺术创新著称的流派,其作品融合智性思辨与感性表达,通过独特隐喻探索人性与宇宙的本质。这一流派的创作突破传统诗歌形式,对后世文学产生深远影响。 一、代表作家与创作特征 玄学派诗人以约翰·多恩为核心人物,其《神圣十四行诗...
metaphysical poetry指的是一种诗歌风格,它强调对超自然、神秘、内在精神世界的探索和表达。这种诗歌通常表现出对人类存在、意义、命运等深层次问题的思考,以及对自然、宇宙、生命等宏大主题的关注。 在metaphysical poetry中,诗人常常运用隐喻、象征、意象等手法,将抽象的概念和情感具象化,以独特的语言和形式表达对世界...
Metaphysical poetry is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne with a rebellious spirit, the Metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry ,the diction is simple as compared with ...
音频列表 1 Metaphysical poetry 492022-10 2 Metaphysical poets 272022-10 3 Allegory 432022-10 4 Sonnet 1082022-10 5 Tragedy 262022-10 6 The interlude 222022-10 7 The morality play 432022-10 8 The Miracle play 442022-10 9 Blank verse 1152022-10 10 University wits 282022-10 查看更多...
metaphysical poets 释义 metaphysical poetsBrE /metəˌfɪzɪkl ˈpəʊəts/ NAmE /metəˌfɪzɪkl ˈpoʊəts/ noun [pl. ]a group of 17th century English poets who explored the nature of the world and human life , and who used images that were surprising at ...
音频列表 1 Conceit奇喻 202021-07 2 Metaphysical poets玄学派诗人 322021-07 3 Comedy喜剧 142021-07 4 Tragedy 62021-07 5 Soliloquy 82021-07 6 Sonnet 152021-07 7 Blank verse 52021-07 8 Pastoral 102021-07 9 Allegory 32021-07 10 Spenserian stanza 132021-07 查看更多...
3.metaphysical poets I.MetaphysicalPoetry 1.Thetermappliestoagroupof17th-centuryEnglishpoetswhousedcertaincommontechniquesandemployedafewcommonthemes.RevoltagainstElizabethanlovepoetryandthetradition PsychologicalanalysisofemotionsofloveandreligionPenchantforcomparisonsnovelandevenshocking Metaphysical...