"The Definition of Love" is a seventeenth-century British metaphysical poem by Andrew Marvell. It exemplifies a number of characteristics associated with metaphysical poetry, as it is 1) witty, 2) highly cerebral, 3) of mixed tone, being comic yet serious, 4) prone to the use of paradox...
Dr.Richard Cl arke LITS3001 Notes 09C METAPHYSICALPOETS” (1921) essay,one which ends up being more Englishcanon, recentlypublished anthology poetry,Metaphysical Lyrics Seventeenthcentury: Donne Butler,edited HerbertGrierson, collectiondescribed criticism”(241). titleindicates, Metaphysicalpoets, 17century...
Eliot, T. S. The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry: The Clark Lectures at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1926, and The Turnbull Lectures at The Johns Hopkins University, 1933doi:10.1080/0895769X.1996.10543125James F. LoucksAnq A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles Notes & Reviews...
Notes INTRODUCTION 1 Merritt Y. Hughes, "Kidnapping Donne," University of California Publications in English, iv (1934), 61; Douglas Bush, English Literatu... JE Duncan - 《Pmla》 被引量: 9发表: 1959年 Metaphysical Poetry: An Anthology Notes INTRODUCTION 1 Merritt Y. Hughes, "Kidnapping Don...
Their poetry was influenced greatly by the changing times, new sciences and the new found debauched scene of the 17th century. Critical opinion of the school has been varied. Johnson claimed that "they were not successful in representing or moving the affections" and that neither "was the ...
makenotes MetaphysicalPoetry Byitself,metaphysicalmeansdealingwiththerelationshipbetweenspirittomatterortheultimatenatureofreality.TheMetaphysicalpoetsareobviouslynottheonlypoetstodealwiththissubjectmatter,sothereareanumberofotherqualitiesinvolvedaswell:Useofordinaryspeechmixedwithpuns,paradoxesandconceits(aparadoxical...
Up until at least 2000 many scholars and erudite people had large libraries of books some of which were rare and on arcane subjects not of interest to many, such aspastoral Bulgarian poetry of the 17th CenturyorBlood types present in Ecuadorian red parrots. ...
. Poetry. He was quoting poetry. . He looked vaguely like a poet ; lean, distressed, with a certain bitterness in his eyes and hopelessness in his form. And his voice was deep and languid, like the middle of the lake where the water ran darkest. . Yet those were not his lines....
The Metaphysical Poets (Book)English poetryThe metaphysical poets Trevor James Longman, 1988doi:10.1007/978-1-349-20950-7Helen GardnerPENGUIN BOOKS.,
Metaphysical poetry InMetaphysical poet Eliot’s influential essay “The Metaphysical Poets” (1921), a review of Herbert J.C. Grierson’s anthologyMetaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the Seventeenth Century. In this essay Eliot argued that the works of these men embody a fusion of thought and feelin...