网络玄言诗;诗歌 网络释义
I wouldn’t be able to stay long anyway maybe we could go somewhere nearer I’m not wearing a jacket just like you weren’t wearing a tie well I didn’t say we had to go I don’t care whether you’re wearing one we don’t really have to do anything well all right let’s not...
网络释义 1. 玄言诗 玄言诗,Metaphysical... ... ) Metaphysical Poetry 玄言诗 )Metaphysical Poems玄言诗) metaphysical poem 玄言诗 ...|基于5个网页 2. 诗歌 ...John Donne) : 杰出的诗人 “玄学派”诗歌(Metaphysical Poems)的创始人。代表作《歌曲与十四行诗》 诗人, (Songs … ...
1、metaphysicalhealing [医] 心理疗法, 精神疗法 2、metaphysicalpoets (17世纪英国的)玄学派诗人 3、metaphysicalconceit 玄学奇喻 4、metaphysicalconversation 形而上学对话 5、metaphysicalcore 形而上学核心 6、metaphysicaljourney 形而上学之旅 7、metaphysicalmeaning 抽象微妙的含义 8、metaphysicalpoem 玄学诗 9、me...
‘The Flea’ is one of the most commonly cited examples of a metaphysical poem, it is also one of Donne’s best poems. The poem makes a familiar argument in a very original way.Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little that which thou deniest me is; It sucked me first, ...
Conceit(奇思妙想):Akindofmetaphorthatmakesacomparisonbetweentwoapparentlydifferentthings.Aconceitmaybeabriefmetaphor,butitusuallyprovidestheframeworkforanentirepoem.Anespeciallyunusualandintellectualkindofconceitisthemetaphysicalconceit.MetaphysicalConceitisanextendedmetaphorwitha complexlogicthatgovernsapoeticpassage...
Metaphysical poems(玄学派诗歌) are usually mystical in content and fantastical in form. The founder and representatives of this school is ___, whose poem The Flea shows his preposterous comparison and is considered to be one of the best Engl
where the effect is due to a contrast of ideas, different in degree but the same in principle, as that which Johnson mildly reprehended. And in one of the finest poems of the age (a poem which could not have been written in any other age), the Exequy of Bishop King, the extended ...
The Ecstasy is an important Metaphysical poem in which Donne's idea of ecstasy drawn from Plotinus. "Death be not proud" presents an argument against the power of death. Addressing 'The Sun Rising' has very colloquial opening. Donne... P Raj,RM Jha - 《Journal of Emerging Technologies & ...
METAPHYSICAL (Poem)Presents the poem 'Metaphysical,' by Daniel Halpern.Halpern, DanielNew Yorker