On my interpretation of Aristotle, his simple bodies -- earth, air, fire, and water -- are not explanatorily basic principles this is because each of them may be further analyzed into form and matter of a particular kind. The account of Aristotle's elements, while largely ignored in the...
After having performed baptisms, he drew the attention of a Roman emperor who had him coated in pitch and set alight, which he survived. These elements were likely what led to his name being given to the electrical charges at the top of ship masts – St Elmo’s Fire – which...
Many of Herbert’s poems are visual, with space used to create shapes that further enhance the poem's meaning. In the poem "Easter Wings", he used rhyme schemes with the short and long lines arranged on the page. When published, the words were printed sideways on two facing pages so th...
Discussions about Crystals and Gemstones, their meaning and uses What crystals are you... byStrandedSnowMonkey Yesterday05:21 PM 3,41135,215 Death & The Afterlife(24 Viewing) Discussions about death, the after life, heaven etc. Death of the Body ...
Colony Earth and the Rig Veda Kashmir Shaivism Indian Cinema Links (to sites outside of Metaphysical Musing) The Silence in the Heart The Meaning of Peace in the Bhagavad Gita Why the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: Only Within Playing in the Forever Void Enlightenment at the Carwash Mahar: A Gen...
They sank until they drifted far below the layer of earth that the meta soaked into. Desperate for the sustenance of fresh meta, and always seeking fresh inhabitants, the Old Homes began to grow, sending tendrils of fresh construction questing into the cities above. Everyone leaned forward ...
The metaphysical lore or magical uses of crystals and stones is as old as time. By magic, I am referring to the metaphysical energies associated with the stones or crystals. Crystals and stones contain the earth’s metaphysical energies. The first shamans knew the hidden power or energy found...
Colony Earth and the Rig VedaKashmir Shaivism Indian CinemaLinks(to sites outside of Metaphysical Musing) The Silence in the HeartThe Meaning of Peace in the Bhagavad Gita Why theBrihadaranyaka Upanishad: Only WithinPlaying in the Forever Void ...
gifts from God. They are placed here on Earth to help those who are in need of answers and enlightenment. So trust in your gut feeling when choosing a persons with powers of clairvoyance who you want to work with. And in time, you will find that one clairvoyant that is perfect for ...
Doctor of Metaphysical Science, Msc.D.Metaphysical science explores reality beyond what physics currently acknowledges and uses the knowledge gained to benefit life on earth, both individually and collectively. By its very nature, metaphysical science covers a wide range of subjects, such as yoga, as...