During metaphase I, the tetrads line up in the middle of the cell. If spindle fibers do not attach correctly during metaphase I, chromosomes will not separate during anaphase correctly and nondisjunction can occur.Meiosis & Mitosis One of the main claims to cell theory is that all cells come...
A stage in mitosis and meiosis when the eukaryotic chromosomes have reached maximal condensation and spread out on the equator of the cell (metaphase plane) and their arm ratios and some other morphological features can be well recognized. In meiosis I the bivalent chromosomes may be associated ...
Done in mitosis and two in meiosis Submit DProphase Submit How do metaphase of mitosis and metaphase-I of mciosis differ from each other? View Solution View Solution View Solution View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board Bihar Board
Stages of Mitosis Prophase Each chromosome is made of two genetically identical chromatids, joined by a centromere. DuringDNA replication, genetic material is loosely packed aschromatin. However, during mitosis DNA needs to be more tightly packed to allow for easier separation in anaphase. To help...
What does metaphase plate refers to? Learn supporting facts about metaphase and its role in mitosis. Also, analyse its formation with the proper use of diagram.Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What is a Metaphase Plate? Metaphase Stage of Mitosis ...
英文: It was shown that the metaphase index reached as high as 70%~80% in mitosis;中文: 果表明,染色体有丝分裂中期指数(metaphase index)可达70%~80%; 英文: Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.中文: 托马斯沃特森,IBM董事会主席,1943。
The frequency of SCE can thus be enumerated in metaphase chromosome spreads prepared from cells toward the end of the second mitosis following BrdU treatment. Sister Chromatid Exchange and Genomic Instability in Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Potential Implications for Response to DNA-Damaging Treatments More spe...
In our previous work, we used a microscopy-based technique to determine whether the magnitude of metaphase tension in budding yeast was large enough to act as a mechanical signal that could allow the cell to detect chromosome orientation errors during mitosis. Tension builds up in the region betw...
DAlways absent in a zygoteSubmit Read the following statements (a) Complete disintegration of the nuclear envelope marks the start of the second phase of mitosis. (b) Metaphase chromosome is made up of one sister chromatid AOnly (b) is correct BBoth (a) & (b) are incorrect COnly ...
During mitosis, motor proteins associate with microtubules to exert pushing forces that establish a mitotic spindle. These pushing forces generate opposing tension in the chromatin that connects oppositely attached sister chromatids, which may then act as a mechanical signal to ensure the fidelity of ...