Define metaphase plate. metaphase plate synonyms, metaphase plate pronunciation, metaphase plate translation, English dictionary definition of metaphase plate. n. An imaginary plane perpendicular to the spindle fibers of a dividing cell, along which chro
The cytogenetics of Culicoides variipennis (Coquillett) tissue derived from a continuous cell line is presented. The karyotype consisted of 68.5% diploid (2n = 6), 30% tetraploid (4n = 12), and 1.5% octaploid (8n = 24) for the metaphase spreads examined. Distinguishing cytological features...
\\a. During prophase I the chromosomes coil up; the chromosomes are not coiled up during prophase II. \\b. In prophase I the sister chromatids are attached; in prophase II the sister chromatids are At the end of metaphase ...
nuneztovari from Manaus and Highway BR-174 (Manaus-Boa Vista), State of Amazonas, and Macap谩, State of Amap谩, Brazil, showed 2n = 6. They consisted of a pair of metacentric (chromosome II) and a pair of submetacentric (chromosome III) autosomes as well as sex chromosomes X and Y...
In this phase of meiosis, four haploid daughter cells are created. a. prophase I b. metaphase I c. anaphase I d. telophase I e. prophase II f. metaphase II g. anaphase II h. telophase II What is the longest stage of the cell cycle? (a) Interphase...
Wagenaar EB (1961b) Cytological studies of the development of metaphase I in Triticum hybrids. II. The behaviour of univalents in meiotic cell division. Can J Genet Cytol 3:204–225Wagenaar, E.B.: Cytological studies of the development of metaphase I in Triticum hybrids. II. The ...
Yacobi YZ, Levanovy H, Feldman M (1985b) An ordered arrangement of bivalents at first meiotic metaphase of wheat II. Tetraploid wheat. Chromosoma 91:355–358Yacobi, Y.Z., Levanony, H. and Feldman, M. 1985b. An ordered arrangement of bivalents at first meiotic metaphase of wheat. II...
MEIOTIC RESTITUTION AND THE ORIGIN OF POLYPLOIDY. II. PROLONGED DURATION OF METAPHASE I AS CAUSAL FACTOR OF RESTITUTION INDUCTIONThe meiosis of nine F1 hybrids (2n = 35) between one Triticum crassum (2n = 42) genotype and nine T. turgidum genotypes showed a strong positive correlation between ...
Answer to: The sister chromatids become separated during ___ of meiosis a. metaphase I b. anaphase I c. telophase I d. anaphase II e. prophase II...
c. prophase I d. metaphase I Recombination: Recombination is the process of exchanging genes by crossing over between the homologous chromosomes. Recombination is the basis of variations or small genetic mutations. Answer and Explanation:1 Recombin...