Large-sized bubbleTurbulent Couette flowDirect numerical simulationOpenFOAMOwing to different flow conditions—for example, Poiseuille and Couette flow—one could expect different deformations of large-sized bubbles; however, bubble dynamics has been mostly investigated in channel flow. Consequently, an ...
Reactive transport modelingCode benchmarksporousMedia4FoamOpenFOAM®PHREEQCTransport in Porous Media - Reactive transport modeling has established itself as a key player to analyze sophisticated hydro-geochemical interactions that occur over spatiotemporal scales on par......
This generates defects and cracks in the solidification profile. In this study, numerically simulated ad hoc events in OPENFOAM are comparatively examined using a real process.doi:10.1007/s11837-021-05105-yPagnola, M. R.Barceló, F.Useche, J.Springer USJOM...
OpenFOAMBaffle effectPitched blade turbineJournal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - This work continues the discussion highlighted by Guida et al. (Chem Eng Sci 65:2454–2463, 2010...doi:10.1007/s40430-022-03713-6Trindade Koyro, PaulaProcess...