igneous, sedimentaryand metamorphic rocks(火成岩,sedimentaryand变质岩石).doc,Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks Earth Science Rock Lab Introduction A rock is any natural aggregate composed of minerals, mineraloids, glass, or organic particles.
This study employed statistical methods such as multiple linear regression (MLR), principal component analysis (PCA), and gene expression programming (GEP) to predict fracture density from conventional well log data. This study explored three wells from a basement metamorphic rock with ten conventional...
(b) Distribution of the rock units based on core description in (a). XRD, X-ray powder diffractometry. Core samples for the investigation of seismic properties were taken from multiple lithologies, depths, and relevant tectonic features (e.g., inferred mylonitic zone) in order to provide a...
The selective dissolution of the rock results in hat-shaped forms, which, on losing support, tend to collapse. Parallel slope retreat can be an enduring phenomenon, eventually generating terrace-like features which are characteristic morphological elements of valley slopes of calcareous phyllites and ...
We use diamond crystal morphology, dissolution features, surface graphitization, composition of the material trapped at the diamond-host interface, and the peak P–T conditions of the metasedimentary host rock, to assess the role of different factors that can contribute to diamond nucleation and ...
(1984) defined this rock suite as a Choloktor Formation (presented below in details) and separated it from the Atbashy Formation, based on lithological features and tectonic contacts between the two units. 2.2.2. The Choloktor Formation The Choloktor Formation is exposed along the Kembel Valley...
Table 1. Summary of porosity types and their reservoir zonation, lithology, porosity types, and forming process. Reservoir zonationLithologyPorosity typePorositya(%)Forming process Metamor-phosed rock zoneHornfels/slatesRecrystallizational micropores0.50–1.92/0.03–0.84Recrystallization ...
The composition, texture and structural features of rock in the mudstone reservoir and surrounding rock in Zhanhua Depression were investigated. 研究结果表明,沾化凹陷泥质岩储集层为裂缝型储集层,它具有严重的非均质性,按其成因差异,泥质岩裂缝可进一步细分为构造缝、成岩缝、成烃缝3大类6小类。4...
Tunnel boring machine (TBM) performance prediction in mechanized tunneling is an essential factor for selecting an appropriate excavation machine, tunnel design, and safe construction. To implement safe mechanized excavation, it is important to accurately assess and predict the range of machine driving ...
Intact rock strength and stiffness properties are commonly used in rock mass mechanical characterization, and their evaluation is usually based on laboratory tests. Due to the variability that affects strength and stiffness parameters, the determination of the number of laboratory-tested specimens required...