Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook parageusia (redirected fromMetallic taste) parageusia [par″ah-goo´zhah] perversion of the sense of taste. adj.,adjparageu´sic. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edit...
Taste Changes, Including Metallic Taste Sometimes, a medication can alter your sense of taste. A change in the body's ability to sense tastes is calleddysgeusia. Some drugs can make food taste different, or they can cause a metallic, salty, or bitter taste in your mouth. Taste changes are...
Strong metallic, slimy taste, with flow of saliva Taste; sweetish≡ more ... ▲ THROAT Throat Choking, constricting; larynx; during cough (see cough choking)≡ more ... ▲ CHEST Chest Heart; Angina pectoris Slow pulse; or hard, full and quick Palpitation, precordial anxiety and pain Fat...
metallic taste in the mouth, persistent scraping in throat, inflammation of the uvula in the throat, inflammation of the vocal cords, limited ability to speak due to inflammation in the neck and throat, continuous cough, burning and stinging of the bronchi, wheezing, bronchial asthma, is claimed...
Taste metallic like pitch salty; food tastes salty ▲THROAT Throat Choking, constricting; gullet Dryness Swallowing; impeded Tickling in the air passages; larynx ▲CHEST Chest Constriction, tension heart Swelling sensation of swelling Fullness
Taste Bloody taste≡ more ... ▲ THROAT Throat Dry; constant inclination to hawk up tenacious mucus Rawness and dryness in throat and larynx Pain in muscles of throat when swallowing. External throat; uncovering throat≡ more ... ▲ CHEST Chest Breast; milk; absent Lungs; tuberculosis Pain; ...